
What time is check in/out?
Check in is at 14:00 and check out is till 10:00. We can deposit Your luggage at our place before check in and after check out

Does the 4 star Priuli Luxury Rooms provide airport transfers to Split airport?
We can arrange private transfer for our guests. Please let us know when Booking. Transfer costs 40 Eur for up to 3 persons

Is there an internet connection in the rooms?
Yes, WiFi and wired internet connection is available in every room free of charge.

Are pets welcome?
Unfortunately not. We do not have the facilities to accommodate pets.

How far is the nearest bus/train station?
The main bus/train station is 10 min far away from our location

Are non-smoking rooms available?
All public and private spaces at Priuli Luxury Rooms are  smoke free.

Can I hire a bike with You?

Yes You can, we have a lot of mountain bikes on site

Are the staff multi lingual?
Yes we cater to an international clientele and our staff speak several languages.

Is there a restaurant in the guesthouse?
At the location Bosanska 2 we have a restaurant in tat the ground floorN

Are the prices per person?
No rates are charged per room and city tax is included

Is there parking available at the Priuli Luxury Rooms?
Yes there is and You may reserve a private parking in a garage next to our location against 25 Eur/day

Do all the rooms have satellite TV and smart features?
Yes, with a variety of channels in several languages + smart features like Netflix or other movie services

Are there any special deals in low season?
You can get special rates all year round by Booking directly with this site.

Can I book day trips and excursions with You?
You can as we have a travel agency on site with all kind of activities, no need to make any reservation in advance. We make the best possible rate for You